Panerai Officine launched the PAM 590 watch in 2014, to recreate the Panerai Luminor look. Alessandro Bettarni was the person who designed the new case, which was more angular than the original as well as reduced proportions. The watch case of this timepiece, is still 44 mm with a light brown leather watchband. Another peculiarity of this watch model, is that it bears the inscription “8 giorni brevettato” on the dial, which appeared in 1950 for a Panerai Luminor Submersible made especially for the Europan Navy.
A Collector’s Guide to the Rolex Daytona 2023 and Rubber B’s Enduring Legacy
The 2023 Cosmograph Rolex Daytona continues to reign as a masterpiece of horological artistry and innovation, solidifying its position as one of the most coveted timepieces crafted by the esteemed